Monday, September 24, 2007


I almost had too much fun doing training today. Its really exciting knowing that i'm doing great things for my body/physique and that its healthy. I really enjoy a great sweat workout =]

Today i did the medium-advanced timing on my excersizes.

Ball Pushups *feet on ball* 4sets (20 in 45seconds)
Band Squat and Press: 4sets, 7-8 in 45seconds

Standing Bent Over Pull Down 4sets using the 13lb+19lb resistance bands (17 in 1min)
Hamstring curl w/ stability ball 4sets, 30 in 45seconds (these were MUCH more intense than i anticipated)

Kneeling Tricep Pressdown 4sets using 13+19lb resistance bands, avg 16 per 45secs
Bicep curl (w/ band attached to the door) 4sets 13+19lb avg 20per 45secs

Ball Transfer (arm to leg exchange): 4sets, avg 15-25 per 45seconds.
Superman (with alternating arms and legs) 4sets, 20-30per 45seconds.

I also did my interval training today, i used to do biking but instead i switching to running/jogging i feel it gave me a more intense training. my lower back is a bit sore. It felt great though, knowing i was giving my whole body a workout =]

my post training meal:
Lean Hamburger (one patty)
Baked Beans
Low fat yogurt


Sickofthegut said...

Yeah week 5 is alot like week 4. Im doing 4 circuits of the advanced time level of 60 seconds per exercise with 5 second brake in between. Its tough but Im lovin it!!

Keep it up man!

JGB77 said...

What's up sam. I appreciate the encouragement and support.