Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wk5 Day 4.

Going for the more intense regimin. I'm now going to do the Ab Routines on my HIIT days to increase my progress. I was able to do 5 routes of HIIT the other day after my resistance training. I had to seriously ask myself "how badly do i want it" after i started to get tired. By the time i was doing the ball calf rolls i was just dripping of sweet. but i love to sweet after a good workout. hell my gf wants to go to the gym with her... Mmm seeing my hot gf sweet... hhaa that would totally throw me off track i bet... hold on while i go sin in the bathroom ;P (ya... that was a joke) haha.

so today (thursday) im going to do Ab Workout #3 i think then HIIT. 6 rounds. I'm getting ALOT better at HIIT my only problem is im running out of good sceneary, i've been running/biking so much there's nowhere in my city i haven't really seen. I think maybe i'll run by some highschools... if you get my drift since there's usually women over there :P hah. That's what i call "inspiration". yyyyup.

Hope everyone is still pushing hard, i know i sure as hell am. I don't even WANT pepsi anymore. if i want a treat i usually grab a VitaminWater.



Sickofthegut said...

Sounds great brother!

Those leg rolls on that ball are a KILLER huh?!

Anonymous said...

now ur just rubbing it in! 6 rounds + hiit. well done man. keep it up.