Friday, October 19, 2007

No Limits

On my break at work i did sets with my Marine manager, i maxed out at 19Pullsup, with 51 diamon pushups, then on my break several hours later, i did repetition
10pullups, 20 pushups
10pullups, 20 pushups
10pullups, 20 pushups
10pullups, 20 pushups (did those sets within 10mins of a break)

After work i went to the gym.
I did the pull in row, all sets are sets of 8.

Chest Press:
70Lbs 1x5
60Lbs 1x5
50lbs 1x8

Hammer Strength Press (basically a sit down push, that ascends above your head)
110lbs or 55lbs per arm, 1x6
110lbs, or 50lbs per arm, 1x6
90lbs, or 45lbs per arm, 1x8

Bicept Curl:
80Lbs 1x5
70lbs, 2x8

Shoulder press:
70lbs 1x5
60lbs 1x5
50lbs 1x8

Above Pull Down (shoulder/back)
150Lbs 1x8
135lbs 2x8

50lbs 1x8
40lbs 2x8

3min Speed 7
1min Speed 11.5
3min Speed 7.6
1min Speed 11
3min Speed 7.2
1min Speed 10.5
3min Speed 7.2
1min Speed 9

Incline: 2.0

Calories burned: 304+ (forgot exact number)
Totall session: 21mins including cool down.

Post workout meal:
Whey Protein shake
2 Hamburger Patties with 2 pieces of cheese.
fat free yogurt
centrum vitamin

I want to increase my weight limit by at LEAST 10Lbs - 15Lbs (depending on machine) each week. I'll do 1 week of a specific weight then lift heavier the following week.

I did the seated press and was able to push forward 160lbs roughly 4 times. That was a huge accompilshment since its more than i weigh. I'll keep pushing forward and hopefully push on some good mucsle mass and burn the fat with HIIT. Keep up the great work guys!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you must be seeing real results! are you beefing up yet.have you made a big improvement sinceyou started