Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wk7 Day 7

tonight (sunday) i did the last Spartan training. the stagared pushups were a bit easier than last time. The impact was moderate and the hitdu.. my god still hard!! I did hte first 15hindu no problem, but the last 15 were really hard to do!!

After i finished the spartan workout i went to the gym.

Incline benchpress

70lbs per arms, 3 sets of 8.
row pull toward body 150lbs 3sets of 8.
tmorrow and tuesday i will do a more extended training in the gym.

3mins 7mph
1min 10mph
3mins 7mph
1min 10mph
3mins 7mph
1min 11mph
3mins 7mph
1min 10mph

jumped off....

right now lesss than one hour after my training, my calves are KILLING ME!!

My post workout meal:
whey protein
chicken boneless
baked beans.
centrum: multivitamin.

dam my calves are hurting.. haha. feels good though.. i ran for 1min at 11mph... holy crap. the treadmill can probrably do like 15+mpg... i'll work my way up :P

I'm feeling GREAT tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow are really taking this to another level! You must be seeing big improvements.keep it up.great work...