Friday, October 26, 2007



Butterfly Chest Press:
195lbs 1x8
180lbs, 1x7
165lbs, 1x6

Chest Press
130lbs, 1x8
115lbs, 1x6
100lbs, 1x8

Bicept Curl:
80lbs, 1x8
70lbs, 1x8
70lbs, wide grip, 1v4

Row Pull with Feet planted infront of me:
225lbs, 2x8
215, 1x8

Seated Squat:
140lbs, 1x8
125lbs 1x8

3min 7mph
1min 10.5mph
3min 7mph
1min 10.5mph
3min 7mph
1min 10.5mph
3min 7mph
1min 10.5mph
3min 7mph
1min 10.5mph
3min 7mph
1min 10.5mph

Totaly Calories burned: 301.8
Incline: 1.0

At work during my hour break:
shoulder to should pullups on I beam, 4x10
seated crunches on seat, 4x25
Verticle Pushups WITH SPOTTER: 3x10, 1x16
i can do roughly 6-8 without a spotter.

During my 10min break at work:
Pyramid Chinups
1 chinup
2 chinup
3 chinup
4 chinup
5 chinup
6 chinup
7 chinup
8 chinup
10 chinup

I realized i need to push myself a bit harder to achieve my results. I need ot EAT 140+ grams of protein a day. an di need to start lifting heavier. but ill do it!!

how badly do you want it?

1 comment:

Sickofthegut said...

damn man, thats alot of 10.5 mph's!

Good job! Sounds like your goin at it like a mad man!! Awesome!